Addiction Treatment Programs in Vineland, NJ

Addiction treatment programs in Vineland can help you end an addiction once and for all. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction treatment is almost always needed to end an addiction for the long-term. Most people who try to quit on their own using willpower or good intentions typically end up in a perpetual cycle of recovery and relapse.

What Exactly is Addiction?

Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease that can be systematically diagnosed and successfully treated. It's the result of changes in brain function and structure related to the memory, learning, and pleasure centers that affect your thought and behavior patterns. When you chronically abuse drugs or alcohol, your brain makes ironclad connections between the substance of abuse and the pleasure it produces. This leads to intense cravings and compulsive drug-seeking and using behaviors that are very difficult to address without professional help. Discontinuing use of the drug introduces symptoms which drug and alcohol withdrawal treatment in Vineland corrects.

Addiction is characterized by the inability to stop using drugs or alcohol despite the negative consequences they cause in your life, such as financial, relationship, health, and legal problems. Even though you may want to quit or try to quit using, you'll likely find that you're unable to do so, or unable to sustain recovery for the long-term.

How Addiction Treatment Programs in Vineland Work

After drug detox in Vineland, rehab treatment programs help people stay free of the drug. High quality addiction treatment programs in Vineland take a holistic approach to treatment that addresses issues of mind, body, and spirit. Such a program is essential for success, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, because successful recovery depends on addressing all of an individual's multiple needs.

A combination of traditional and complementary treatment therapies are used in a holistic treatment program. Traditional therapies commonly used in treatment include:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy -- helps you evaluate your beliefs and ideas and identify destructive patterns of thought and behavior. It also helps you develop essential coping skills for managing stress, cravings, and other powerful triggers.

Motivational interviewing -- helps you identify your own intrinsic motivation for wanting to stop using drugs or alcohol.

Motivational incentives -- offers cash or vouchers for maintaining abstinence.

Family therapy -- helps to restore function to the family system to improve communication among family members and reduce your risk of relapse.

Alternative therapies commonly used in a treatment program include:

Art therapy -- helps you make sense of your past and express difficult emotions and experiences. Art therapy also relieves stress and decreases feelings of guilt and other harmful emotions.

Nature therapy -- involves outdoor experiences that help you improve your social and communication skills, increase self-confidence and self-efficacy, and develop trust.

Meditation -- has been shown to reduce stress and improve mindfulness and self-awareness.

Biofeedback -- teaches you how to use breathing and visualization techniques to improve your body's stress response, including lowering blood pressure and relieving muscle tension.

Yoga -- increases physical and mental balance, flexibility, and strength, reduces stress, and improves body- and self-awareness.

The variety of treatment therapies in rehab treatment programs approach a range of issues from a variety of angles, offering a comprehensive, whole-person approach to treatment.

Treatment Plans in Rehab

There is no single treatment for addiction. Because every individual experiences addiction differently, and addiction usually has a variety of underlying causes, drug and alcohol rehab treatment programs work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan that's based on your unique needs, underlying issues, and personal preferences.

An effective treatment plan will include programming that addresses all of an individual's needs, which may include the need for legal services, medical treatment, vocational rehab, psychiatric treatment, and educational assistance.

Once treatment is complete, an individualized aftercare plan is set in place to provide a high level of support in the early months of solo recovery. The aftercare plan will include ongoing therapy, participation in a support group, and a host of other possible programs based on your needs.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Treatment

Inpatient rehab in Vineland offers intensive programming, around-the-clock support and supervision, and a highly structured environment. These are best for people with a long history of addiction, inadequate support at home and in the community, or who have not had success with previous treatment programs.

Outpatient rehab treatment programs work for those who have a high level of intrinsic motivation to change and a high level of support at home and in the community. Outpatient rehab enables you to continue working or attending school while you're in treatment, and it offers a higher level of privacy than inpatient treatment, since you don't need to explain a lengthy absence.

Treatment Works

Drug and alcohol treatment works for most people. It helps transform lives by addressing a range of issues, helping you learn healthier ways of thinking and behaving, imparting coping skills and strategies, and helping you find purpose and meaning in a life without alcohol and drugs.

If you're addicted to drugs or alcohol, one of the high quality addiction treatment programs in Vineland can help you restore your life and improve your sense of well-being. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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